2022 Award Winners

Static 1 Primary - Individual Winners

Results Participant Name Entry Title
First Evangeline Ang Shi Qi Towards a Cohesive and Sustainable 2040 in Singapore
Second Mikha Alexander Fang  My Future Singapore
Third Nur Nyla Syakila Bte Suhardi inclusive Singapore


Static 1 Open - Individual Winners

Results Participant Name  Entry Title

Wong Xing Le

Onward: The 3R Vision
Second Koong Bok Hui, Alphonsus

The Little Red Dot that Can

Third RYAN TAN ZI LIN Is Singapore Ready?


Static 1 Open - Group Winners

Results Group Name Entry Title
First Steve4Singapore THE ESSAY: Finding space for everyone in modern Singapore

Stronger Together

Singapore - The Melting Pot 
Third Baby RIse.  Impact of declining birth rates on SG75


Static 2 Primary - Individual Winners

Results Participant Name Entry Title
First Evelyn Chai Yi Xuan Inclusive Singapore
Second Lin Xinyu Circles of life
Third Wong Zi Yan Building an Inclusive Singapore


Static 2 Primary - Group Winners


Group Name Entry Title
First Tan Yu Xuan Jenell and Tan Yu Shan Jemma Click the beautiful 'Inclusive Singapore'

P6-4 Ntps

Third Team Respect Our Dream Homes of the Future


Static 2 Open - Individual Winners

Results Participant Name Entry Title
First KARINA XYZA D/O SELVARAJU Its the little things
Second Tham Shi En, Serena Our Singapore
Third Renee Chng Rubik's Cube of Challenges


Static 2 Open - Group Winners

Results Group Name Entry Title
First Team Sky

Together, We Conquer

Second Pink Cherries

Stronger Together

Third KXS Aesthetic Singapore: past, present and future


Dynamic Primary - Individual Winners

Results Participant Name Entry Title
First Singh Eli Shael Cheong

A Home For Everyone

Second Khai Jun Divakar Singapore without Strangers 
Third Garg Maahika SG75 Competition 2022_Maahika Garg


Dynamic Primary - Group Winners

Results Group Name Entry Title
First Nurfarah Aleesha & Aniq Arsyad We Can Create An Inclusive Singapore Together
Second Anderson Primary (Kindness) Spread Kindness
Third Rulang 5G Group 3 Siti, The Kind Neighbour


Dynamic Open - Individual Winners

Results Participant Name Entry Title
First Ravin Nagpal

A Greener, Fairer and More Inclusive Singapore

Second Ong Xin Ru Aricia Small country, endless potential
Third Chong Yu Xuan Lynette United, We Come Back Stronger


Dynamic Open - Group Winners

Results Group Name Entry Title
First Team Apple Our Singapore School Canteen
Second NYL³ Diverse us, inclusive home
Third Team CN-LiS-W Putting aside our differences


For all enquiries regarding the competition, please send your queries to: 


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